Bermuda 1-2

Tomorrow, June 2nd around 12, one of the more audacious races on the East Coast gets underway. The Bermuda 1-2 looks to start in good breeze and a fast run for the single-handed leg. This year, Constitution Yacht Club is well represented by veterans Mike Dreese (Toothface 2) and Jonathan Green (Inigo Montoya) as well as newcomer Phil Haydon on Prairie Gold. Those of us who have crossed the Gulf Stream know that it's nothing to trifle with under the best conditions with a full crew, but being single or double-handed introduces a whole new level of concern as fatigue sets in and the seas build. We'll all be watching for the next 3 - 5 days as the fleet of close to 40 boats make their way from Newport to the land of Goslings Rum. You can follow along too - the race will be live-tracked on yellowbrick at the following link:

Best of luck to all of the competitors - we'll be looking forward to hearing the stories when our sailors are safely back in New England.