Please join us for the 2022 In-Person Wednesday Night Racing Skipper's Meeting!
6:30pm Wednesday, May 18, 2022
At Blackmoor Bar + Kitchen
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Please join us for the 2022 In-Person Wednesday Night Racing Skipper's Meeting!
6:30pm Wednesday, May 18, 2022
At Blackmoor Bar + Kitchen
Looking forward to seeing you there!
In spite of the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Constitution Yacht Club is expecting to be able to have a more or less regular racing season this year. We are hopeful that the 2021 Wednesday Night Spring, Summer and Fall Series, the Spring Regatta and the Red & White Regatta will be able to go on as they have in the past. The tentative schedule at this time is that the Wednesday Night Season will begin June 2nd and run through September 29th. The Spring Regatta will be held June 12th and the Red & White Regatta will be held September 4th. The schedule should be finalized by the end of March. We will plan to have a Skipper’s Meeting via Zoom in mid-May. The Constitution Yacht Club Board of Directors is monitoring the situation with the health and safety of our members in mind, and will provide further details as they become available. We look forward to seeing all of you back on the water again soon!
Weekend Races:
Spring Regatta: 12 June 2021
Red and White: 4 September 2021
Boston Light: TBD
Wednesday Night Races:
Spring: 2 June - 7 July
Summer: 14 July - 18 Aug
Fall: 25 Aug - 29 Sep
The dates of the rumbles are not quite official yet, but it looks like CYC will be hosting the first one on June 16, CPYC July 14 and HBYC August 4.
The Mass Bay schedule is still in flux but should be available in late March.
The CYC annual awards brunch and member meeting will be held on Sunday, November 10 at 11:00 am at the Savin Hill Yacht Club, 400 Morrissey Blvd, Dorchester, MA 02125. This event is free to current CYC members, $30 for non-members registered in advance, and $40 for non-members at the door. Registration will be available soon at Regattaman CYC Brunch - please register in advance to allow organizers to give accurate numbers to the venue.
Register here ::